L.A.-based art director Sasha Vinogradova’s animated short Forest is an environmentally conscious fairy tale that doubles as a grim fable about humans’ capacity for destruction. Made with Cinema 4D, Arnold, and After Effects, Forest is a milestone in Vinogradova’s fast-developing career as a visual artist and art director.
Category: Arnold
What You May Find
Aptly named, What You May Find, the FITC titles offer a dark and referential vision of a future in which technology and innovation are used to manipulate and homogenize humanity. Erin Sarofsky, who founded her design-driven production company in 2009, says her team was honored when FITC founder, Shawn Pucknell, asked them to create the titles.
The Art of Scientific Storytelling
It may sound like science fiction, but biotech company, COUR Pharmaceuticals is pioneering the use of nanoparticles to reprogram the immune system as a means of treating autoimmune diseases and severe allergies.