Tag: 3D

Colorado Motion Meetup

CoMotion hosts a motion graphics meetup at Ratio Beerworks every third Thursday of the month! Join the mailing list in the website link below to get notified for every meetup, and if there are any changes to the schedule! eepurl.com/ciuJqX

London Motion Meetup

A monthly motion meetup in London, UK. SLACK: https://join.slack.com/t/londonmotionmeetup/shared_invite/zt-2giofck35-olifWgZlHCz2q077m4wR_g Group on Slack by James

UTD MoGraph Lab

The Mograph Lab at UTDallas is a collaborative lab space for the study and exploration of motion design. Motion graphics, also known as motion design, is the combination of animation and graphic design principles, used to enhance the meaning and understanding of visual communication messaging. Motion designers use a variety of animation tools and techniques, […]

XR Motion

XR Motion is New York City’s LARGEST monthly digital art meetup! We meet on the last Thursday of each month at Crystal Lake Brooklyn in Williamsburg. Additionally, we have one guest speaker each month who speaks for 30 minutes, followed by a large and enjoyable networking event with drinks and a great atmosphere. Plus, we […]

Mothers of Mograph

A space for those that identify as mothers in and adjacent to the motion industry. www.mothersofmograph.com