“HUXLEY” is an original post-apocalyptic adventure by Ben Mauro , a talented concept artist, character creator and world builder. Over a decade in the making, “HUXLEY” is a trailblazing project that spans NFTs, digital and physical collectibles, film, video games and ultimately immersive experiences in the Metaverse.
Category: 3ds Max
The Burrow in 3D
Patryk Urbaniak is look development lead at ScanlineVFX, an award-winning studio with seven locations around the globe. He’s also a huge Harry Potter fan who enjoys challenging himself with personal projects that involve learning new skills.
Visualizing a World-Spanning Race
When Jaguar Racing wanted to showcase its civic and racing electric vehicles around the world during a global pandemic, they turned to okean storytelling agency and Floss Creatives to visualize the excitement on the track.
A Flood of Plastic in 3D
Wasteminster: A Downing Street Disaster is a two-minute animated satire with a serious message about what would happen if the 1.8 million kilograms of plastic waste exported by the United Kingdom every day was dumped on Downing Street.