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Using 3D to Bring Back the ‘Golden Era’ of Professional Wrestling
How Fraser Davidson used C4D, Redshift and more to create a figurine collection celebrating wrestling’s glory days.By Logan Baker Maxon recently had the opportunity to speak with Fraser Davidson, the mastermind behind a campy, fun 3D-crafted figurine collection of some of wrestling’s all-time greats. Using Cinema 4D, Redshift and Greyscalegorilla Plus, Davidson brought Hulk Hogan, […]

Coffee Run
Bomper pushed C4D’s character tools to make an animated short about a round of drinks gone horribly wrong.

Behind the Screens of Feature Films
Jayse Hansen remembers exactly where he was when he realized what he wanted to focus on as an artist. It was 2005 and he was at a design conference listening to fictional user interface (FUI) pioneer Mark Coleran describe how he created FUI for films like Mission Impossible, Alien vs. Predator and The Bourne Identity. Watching intently as Coleran presented his screen designs for mini spy cameras, holo tables and FBI forensic labs, he thought: “That has to be the best job ever.” Though he knew nothing about how to get started, he knew he wanted in.