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Run for It
UK-based MNFST Studio used Cinema 4D, Redshift,
Houdini and more to create a playful spot for Puma’s NITRO running shoes that featured morphing fluid and foam in a futuristic lab with holographic environments.

Using 3D to Bring Back the ‘Golden Era’ of Professional Wrestling
How Fraser Davidson used C4D, Redshift and more to create a figurine collection celebrating wrestling’s glory days.By Logan Baker Maxon recently had the opportunity to speak with Fraser Davidson, the mastermind behind a campy, fun 3D-crafted figurine collection of some of wrestling’s all-time greats. Using Cinema 4D, Redshift and Greyscalegorilla Plus, Davidson brought Hulk Hogan, […]

Behind the Scenes of ‘Top Gun: Maverick’
Renowned Futuristic User Interface (FUI) Designer Jayse Hansen is known for his work on a long list of blockbusters, including “Star Wars,” “The Hunger Games,” “Iron Man,” “Batman,” “Spider-Man,” “Guardians of the Galaxy” and many more