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Formula 1 Meets 3D
Hailing from the Netherlands, young and ambitious 3D artist Tim Kikkert has been making waves in the world of 3D. With a strong passion for animation and filmmaking, he has spent the past four years working on a range of commercial projects from high-end product stills to captivating story-driven animations.

What You May Find
Aptly named, What You May Find, the FITC titles offer a dark and referential vision of a future in which technology and innovation are used to manipulate and homogenize humanity. Erin Sarofsky, who founded her design-driven production company in 2009, says her team was honored when FITC founder, Shawn Pucknell, asked them to create the titles.

Using 3D to Bring Back the ‘Golden Era’ of Professional Wrestling
How Fraser Davidson used C4D, Redshift and more to create a figurine collection celebrating wrestling’s glory days.By Logan Baker Maxon recently had the opportunity to speak with Fraser Davidson, the mastermind behind a campy, fun 3D-crafted figurine collection of some of wrestling’s all-time greats. Using Cinema 4D, Redshift and Greyscalegorilla Plus, Davidson brought Hulk Hogan, […]