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Using 3D to Set Renaissance Art in Motion
New York City-based director Saad Moosajee has always found Renaissance art interesting because “it evokes God and seems to have a holy quality whether there are literally angels or just dark, moody figures,” he explains. Even so, it’s an aesthetic he hasn’t found much use for until recently, when Japanese singer-songwriter, Joji, contacted him about directing a music video for “777”, a track from the artist’s latest album, Nectar.
Using ZBrush for Lady Gaga’s Chromatic Ball Tour
When large-scale prop company Jet Sets required a ZBrush artist to create a tree-inspired piece for Lady Gaga, traditional and digital sculptor Deborah Wright jumped at the challenge. A set piece of the 2022 Chromatic Ball tour, the complex, twisted fiberglass tree fully encompassed Lady Gaga’s signature piano.
When Stormtroopers Become Reviewers
Robert Hranitzky’s unboxing parody “E-11: Standard Issues – Star Wars Fan Film,” has nearly a million views on YouTube and it’s easy to see why. Written, directed and created by Hranitzky, with the help of family and friends, “E-11” is no ordinary Star Wars fan film.