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It’s Good to Be King
When the Finnish mobile video game giant Supercell needed a fast and funny animated trailer to introduce a new feature in its hugely popular “Clash Royale,” the company turned to a longtime collaborator, Squeeze Animation Studios.

Using 3D to Bring Back the ‘Golden Era’ of Professional Wrestling
How Fraser Davidson used C4D, Redshift and more to create a figurine collection celebrating wrestling’s glory days.By Logan Baker Maxon recently had the opportunity to speak with Fraser Davidson, the mastermind behind a campy, fun 3D-crafted figurine collection of some of wrestling’s all-time greats. Using Cinema 4D, Redshift and Greyscalegorilla Plus, Davidson brought Hulk Hogan, […]

Making Science Fun
Madis Epler worked as a graphic designer for several years before realizing he was really more into animation. So he pursued that goal, digging deep into tutorials, books and everything related to 3D. Now a busy freelance creative director, animator and CGI artist, Epler runs his own studio, Banzai Animation, in Estonia where he grew up.